For Sale Canandaigua And Canandaigua Lake

 Canandaigua And Canandaigua Lake

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Canandaigua And Canandaigua Lake Description

Built on the site of a Seneca Iroquois village, Canandaigua was an important railroad junction and home port for several steamboats by the mid-19th century. After the Civil War, local industries included two brick works, the Lisk Manufacturing Company, several mills, and the regionally prominent McKechnie Brewery. The shire town of the original county of western New York, Canandaigua was the site of the Susan B. Anthony trial in 1873. Today, the town is a center for business, government, health care, and education. Canandaigua is the home of Constellation Brands, founded as Canandaigua Wine Company; Finger Lakes Community College; Thompson Health System; the Finger Lakes Performing Arts Center; and Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion State Historic Park. It is also home to one of the largest Wegmans food markets and the New York Wine and Culinary Center. ...

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